The galleries reflect
the diversity of my interests and are visual explorations in which vibrant
color, pattern, shape and texture combine to represent themes of
connectedness and relationship between individuals and groups, and between
people and their environments.
Landscapes interpret nature both
directly and indirectly and are about a sense of place without
necessarily being of a particular site. They include many
scenes from Greece where the bright, intense light sharply etches
the landscape in contrast to the soft, grey light of the Northwest
which suffuses the elements. My time is divided between the
Northwest and Greece where the light and often the landscape itself
are so reminiscent of my native South Africa. |
Life/Interiors are painted both from still-life setups as
well as imaginary interiors often set against a natural backdrop as
seen through a window. My dog, Misty, used to be a favorite
subject often depicted in juxtaposition to a chair - a space
that is mine and that reflects an anchoring and centering.
Using a medley of patterns I play with color and explore color
relationships and the transformations that occur with subtle color
adjustments. It is here that imagination abounds and finds a
true freedom. |
The Figurative
paintings explore my deep interest in social and political
issues and contexts - themes that underlie all my work.
Aspects of relationship, connectedness and communication are
explored through the figure using vibrant color, pattern and shape
as integral elements of each composition. Pattern is used to
portray, in a decorative way, the complexity and varied
patterns of our inner and outer lives. Life in South Africa
has been the dominant subject reflecting my upbringing and continued
interest in the people of South Africa. |
Growing up in South
Africa, I was deeply influenced by the local culture,
politics and geography. Politics was discussed passionately at
our dinner table and my daily life was filled with the sundrenched
landsape of that beautiful land. Color and pattern abounded in
the decorative clothing of the indigenous people and was echoed in
our household since my father had a textile import business.
My favorite memories were going to his warehouse and playing in the
large crates of discarded fabric samples which I brough home in
armfuls and turned into dolls clothes and decorations for my
room. All of this has fed my deep and abiding interest in
South Africa which I explore and express with patterns, textures,
vibrant colors and sensitivity to its complex history.
The Special Exhibitions section
displays a series of images based on the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission (TRC) hearings in South Africa.